Fourth Quarter 2018 -- Lair No. 3

Meeting at the Doylestown Maennerchor Society on December 8, 2108, Lair No. 3 hosted their 2018 Mass Challenge meeting. The 2018 challenge was: Make a tool.

Eric Erb produced a tool for etching bone. Ray Hull II produced a level for controlling the pitch and yaw of a drill. Calvin Morrison produced an electric cigar lighter powered by a ham radio amplifier. Leon Moscherosch produced a Velcro tool belt. Michael Moscherosch produced a spot welder using parts from a scrapped microwave oven.

Winning his first Mass Challenge was Calvin Morrison.

Among those attending this meeting were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Eric Erb
  3. Ray Hull II
  4. Ray Hull III
  5. Roger Hull
  6. Calvin Morrison
  7. Dan Morrison
  8. Michael Moscherosch
  9. Leon Moscherosch
  10. Sam Wood

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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