Third Quarter 2020 Meeting -- Lair No. 3

On September 12, 2020, Lair No. 3 of the RR&R gathered under a canopy tent on the lawn of Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church to hear Dan Bramer's Rascal Challenge.  Bramer had received his challenge to find the interesting thing in "UFOs in Religious History" way back in 2019, but as the meetings of the first two quarters of 2020 were canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it wasn't until this, the third quarter 2020 meeting, that he was able to present.  In view of the COVID threat, the meeting was held in the open air, under a canopy tent. A total of 19 men gathered and Bramer knocked it out of the park with a close examinating of accounts of UFOs in Ezekiel and in certain Hindu texts. Dinner was delivered from Iron Hill Brewery. Four men joined the meeting via Google Meets -- a first in RR&R history.

Bramer's paper, "UFOs in Religious History", was published in Occasional Papers (vol. 2020 no. 1) of the Doylestown Institute.

Among those present at this meeting were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Dan Bramer
  3. Byron Crawford -- via Google Meets
  4. Jordan Goretti
  5. Jon Haines
  6. David Hamalian
  7. George Hart -- via Google Meets
  8. George Hindley
  9. Christopher Holland
  10. Ray Hull II -- via Google Meets
  11. Ray Hull III
  12. Roger Hull -- via Google Meets
  13. Mark McDowell
  14. Jim McGinnis
  15. Sean McVan
  16. Calvin Morrison
  17. Dan Morrison
  18. Leon Moscherosch
  19. Michael Moscherosch
  20. Rob Proffe
  21. Sam Wood
  22. Alex Ziegler
  23. Mike Ziegler

Treasurer Ray Hill III gives payment instructions

Dr. Dan Bramer talks about ancient texts.  Flanking him (l to r) are: Calvin Morrison, Leon Moscherosch, Sean McVan, and Michael Moscherosch.

Dan Bramer takes post-presentation questions.  Behind him (l to r) are Jon Haines, Mark McDowell, and Dave Hamalian.

Copies of Occasional Papers of The Doylestown Institute.


Dan Bramer in the Rascal Challenge hot seat.  Behind him are Sam Wood and George Hindley.


Bramer taking questions from Jim McGinnis of the Bucks County Courier Times.


Dr. Bramer waits on deck.  Around the table, from Bramer counterclockwise: George Hindley, Sam Wood, Dave Hamalian, Mark McDowell, Jon Haines, Rob Proffe, Jordan Goretti.


Advanced textual analysis.


Meeting disperses and it's time to clean up.

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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