Rapscallions is the highest rank within the RR&R. The Order of Raspscallions is the constituted company of all Rapscallions.
An individual becomes a Rapscallion by successfully completing a Rogue's Challenge. A Rogue's Challenge is presented by the Order of Rapscallions to individuals who have attained the rank of Rogue.
The Order constituted itself and adopted a charter in March 1996. On January 18, 1997, the Order hosted the First Rogue Dinner at which the first batch of Rogue Certificates and Rogue Challenges were distributed to all who had attained the rank of Rogue.
First Rogue Dinner, January 18, 1997
L. to r.: Jeff Campbell, Don Kellander, Brian Holly, Lee Wolfson, Dan Morrison, Don Pickerine, David Dunn, Greg Scheer, Dennis Looney.
A new batch of Rogue Challenges were issued in 2004. Then in 2019, the Order established a new procedure for Rogue Challenges: a list of open challenges from which each Rogue is at liberty to choose three, each for a two-year term.
At present, the Order has two completed members. Dan Morrison became a Rascallion on January 12, 2022. Jim Barr became a Rapscallion on March 11, 2023. There is one non-completed member, namely Michael Moscherosch. As a non-completed member, Moscherosch does not wear the regalia of the Order.
Current officers of the Order of Rapscallion are Abbot Michael Moscherosch and Prior Dan Morrison.
Second Rogues Dinner, Doylestown Maennerchor Society, January 12, 2022. Clockwise from speaker: Dan Morrison, Sean McVan, Roger Hull, Calvin Morrison, Jim Barr, Michael Moscherosch, Leon Moscherosch, Ray Hull, Dan Bramer (obscured). Also present at the meeting and taking this photograph was William Moult.
Decoration of the Order of Rapscallions