Third Quarter 2023 -- Lair No. 3

Lair No. 3 of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions held its annual Research Reports meeting on Saturday, September 9, 2023, in upper room at the Doylestown Maennerchor Society. The room was hot and stuffy, but fortunately outside the evening was cool and with the door and windows open, the room quickly became comfortable. The kitchen at the Maennerchor was unstaffed, so the Maennerchor arranged a special menu with Coach’s a nearby restaurant, for service. We ordered cheesesteaks and fries. Beer and soft drinks came up from the Maennerchor bar. A brief business meeting was held.  George Green and Michael Landis, in turn, stood and proclaimed their Rascal Oath of Allegiance.

The regular meeting began with a singing of “Interesting Thing” without the benefit of sheet music, as the Director forgot to bring any music.

Michael Moscherosch began the evening’s presentation with a discussion regarding baking pretzels he is able to eat with his newly-diagnosed diabetes. We ate “butter pretzels” he produced.

Jeff Sivek, who is a docent at the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge, gave a slide-illustrated presentation about the WMC.

Jordan Goretti talked about the kings of Israel, about the biblical books of First and Second Samuel, and First and Second Kings.

Leon Moscherosch talked about other claims to pre-Columbian contact with North America and a variety of fake artifacts used to support such claims.

Tapping in via zoom from Texas Hayes Lewis talked about hacking the North Korean internet and Jason Enelow talked about sending a food care package to England in response to a 1947 advertisement in the literary magazine Horizon.

Jim Barr presented about a Pennsylvania Dutch oversized stuffed dumpling sold at the Quakertown Farmers Market, which he brought for us to eat.

George Hindley had a shaggy dog story that began with an issue of Ford Times from 1958 and had something to do with a bridge built by US Grant in California.

Tapping in via zoom from near Provo, Utah, was DeAngelo Jackson-Smith who had something to say about government interference in communications.

Roger Hull presented some gorgeous “earth star” mushrooms growing in his pile of woodchips.

Dan Morrison said a couple words about the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia and distributed copies of The Steel Crown no. 19.

The hour being later than usual, the meeting closed with an a cappella singing from memory of the first verse of “My Last Cigar” again as the Director forgot to bring music.


Present at the Maennerchor were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Jordan Goretti
  3. George Green
  4. George Hindley
  5. Roger Hull
  6. Mike Landis
  7. Hayes Lewis
  8. Calvin Morrison
  9. Dan Morrison
  10. Michael Moscherosch
  11. Jeff Sivek

Present online were:

  1. Jason Enelow
  2. Hayes Lewis
  3. DeAngelo Jackson-Adams

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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