Second Quarter 2021 -- Lair No. 3

Lair No. 3 of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions gathered on Saturday, June 12, 2021 under the hood of the Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church barn. On the program for the evening was Sean McVan's response to his Rascal Challenge. He brought a robust report regarding his ancestors and current family in Ireland. After his presentation, the Lair decided Sean had fulfilled his challenged and welcomed him to the rank of Rogue.

Among those present at the meeting were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Dan Bramer
  3. Tim Esaias -- online
  4. Jordan Goretti
  5. Rich James
  6. Mike Landis
  7. Hayes Lewis -- online
  8. Sean McVan
  9. Calvin Morrison
  10. Dan Morrison
  11. Leon Moscherosch
  12. Michael Moscherosch
  13. Noel Wolfe

Sean McVan, weilds an Irish weapon, after having been elevated to the rank of Rogue.

Rich James and Jordan Goretti.

L. to r.: Jim Barr, Dan Bramer, Calvin Morrison, and Michael Moscherosch.

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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