Second Quarter 2012 -- Lair No. 3

On May 19, 2012, Lair No. 3 gathered at Hull Haven for its annual Research Reports meeting.

Ray Hull II presented on various woodworking projects.  Ray Hull III discussed mining for silver in change.  Art Bianconi discussed creating telescope lenses.  Tony DiSalvo brought a rocket motor.  Dan Morrison presented on the Rev. Dr. Carl McIntyre and the theology of UFOs.  Michael Moscherosch discussed Japanese scrolls purchased in China.  Dan Mundy discussed the drinking habits of folks in Colonial Williamsburg, and Roger Hull discoursed on the Japanese art of fish printing.

Among those attending were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Art Bianconi
  3. Tony DiSalvo
  4. Dave Frank
  5. George Hindley
  6. Ray Hull II
  7. Ray Hull III
  8. Roger Hull
  9. Dan Morrison
  10. Michael Moscherosch
  11. Dan Mundy
  12. Scott Reeves

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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