Second Quarter 2011 -- Lair No. 3

At the Classic Cigar Parlor in Doylestown on February 26, 2011, Lair No. 3 hosted its annual Research Reports meeting.

Among those attending this meeting were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Michael Costello
  3. Seth Fluder
  4. Karl Halter
  5. George Hindley
  6. Jordan Holmes
  7. Ray Hull II
  8. Ray Hull III
  9. Roger Hull
  10. Brian Janke
  11. Joe Luizzi
  12. Stuart Magloff
  13. Dan Morrison
  14. Michael Moscherosch
  15. Dan Mundy
  16. Scott Reeves
  17. Matthias Ritzmann
  18. Josh Schumacher
  19. Paul Swick

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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