First Quarter 2022 -- Lair No. 3

Lair No. 3 of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions held its first quarter 2022 meeting on Saturday, March 13, 2022, in Swine Hall at the Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church barn. The evening's program was Hayes Lewis's Rascal Challenge presentation. His challenge, vaguely put, was "something musical." In response he created a jukebox musical based on Dante's Inferno. After his presentation, there was a lively discussion among the members of the Lair and collectively they came to the conclusion that Hayes had, indeed, met his challenge. He was thus elevated to the rank of Rogue. As Hayes had won the Mass Challenge in December 2021, he was also presented with his Jon Landgraf medal.  Hayes, who lives in Texas and is a non-resident member of Lair No. 3, traveled from Texas to Pennsylvania with fellow Rascal aspirant, Jason Enelow.

Present in Swine Hall were:

  1. Dan Bramer
  2. Jason Enelow
  3. Jordan Goretti
  4. Ray Hull III
  5. Mike Landis
  6. Hayes Lewis
  7. Sean McVan
  8. Calvin Morrison
  9. Dan Morrison
  10. Leon Moscherosch
  11. Michael Moscherosch

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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